Monday, September 21, 2009

Way to be the Millionaire: The Purpose

Millionaire: Is a person who has in his belonging a wealth valued up to a minimum of a million of local currency.

As the name of the blog speaks, I want to be a millionaire. That should make 2 things clear to you.

1. I am not yet a millionaire.
2. I will be a millionaire soon.

How? When? Where ? Doing What? I don't know the answer for all these. Anyone who is reading this might get inspired by me, or may be you'll inspire me to achieve my goal. As far as the purpose of this blog goes, I'll keep this blog alive until I become a Millionaire. Somehow, some way I am going to be a millionaire. And as I do it, I'll share the same with you. By doing so I am sure, One day I'd be a millionaire and to people I can prove that yes; I had this intention of becoming a millionaire long way back.

Why do I want to be one of the Millionaire and the plans that I have to become one, will be discussed soon.

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